View Source PR processes

Feature development / bug fixing

  1. Developer performs feature work or bug fix on a branch off of master.
  2. Developer opens a pull request against master once the work is completed.
  3. Reviewer reviews the PR and either requests changes or approves.
  4. After approval, the reviewer squashes and merges to master, updating the commit message to summarize the entirety of the work item. This aggregate commit message must be prefixed with the change type, a ticket reference and a description. For example, [BUG FIX] [MER-1234] A description or [FEATURE] [NG23-29] Another description.

Valid Change Types

  • [FEATURE]: New feature for the user
  • [ENHANCEMENT]: Small improvements to existing features
  • [BUG FIX]: Bug fix for an existing feature
  • [CHORE]: Updating of build infrastructure, deployment automation, branch merging, docs, etc.
  • [PERFORMANCE]: Changes that target a performance improvement

Valid ticket references

  • [MER-xxxx]: MER board tickets
  • [NG23-xxxx]: NG board tickets