View Source Attempt handling

When the underlying page or activity has a new revision available due to the instructor applying a new course project publication, Torus handles existing page and activity attempts in different ways depending on the attempt state.

Ungraded Pages

Here is how updates to content are applied to attempts in ungraded pages:

  • Evaluated or Submitted: Evaluated and submitted attempts are affected in no way by new revision publication. These attempts always maintain a reference to the revision of the page or the activity that existed at the time of submission or evaluation. If a student "Resets" an evaluated attempt to create another attempt, this new attempt will always show the content of the most recentl published revision.

  • Active: Active activity attempts are left as-is by the system until the time that the student accesses the page again. In this manner, a student that is in the middle of interacting with a page that contains activities will not have this content updated by new revision publication. It is only at the time that a student revisits a page that has an active attempt where Torus will detect that a new revision of the page or activity is available. There are two cases to consider here:

    1. The page itself has a new revision available. In this case, Torus simply creates a new page attempt record with all new activity attempt records for the student. The reasoning here is that since actual page content itself has changed the system should give all new activity attempts to allow the student to see these activities in the context of the latest page content.
    2. Only activity revisions have changed. In this case, a new activity attempt will be created for each of only the changed activities. No new page attempt is created.
  • Non existent: For pages that a student has never visited, there is of course no attempt hierarchy present. At the time of first visit, the student will always encounter the latest published revision for the page and activities.

Graded Pages

  • Evaluated or Submitted: Both evaluated and submitted attempts for graded pages are affected in no way by new revision publication. Similar to ungraded page attempts, these attempts always maintain a reference to the revision of the page or the activity that existed at the time of finalization.
  • Active: Active activity attempts are left as-is by the system. In this manner, a student that is in the middle of interacting with a graded page will not have the content that they see updated by new revision publication. Even if the student leaves the page, and then returns, they will continue to see their attempt that is pinned to the original content. After the student submits the entire assessment for evaluation, subsequent attempts will show the newly published content.
  • Non existent: For graded pages that a student has never visited, there is of course no attempt hierarchy present. At the time of first visit, the student will always encounter the latest published revision for the page and activities.